The Dolphin Accelerated Reader Program is back and better than ever. As a school we are excited about our Intranet AR through Renaissance Learning and are confident that it will support our students’ success. The focus of this program, is for students in 2nd through 6th grades to improve in reading and ‘plant the seed’ for our students to become lifelong readers for learning and enjoyment. Elitha Donner has a subscription to all Renaissance AR Quizzes that are available. That is over 100,000 quizzes!
The Dolphin Accelerated Reading Program is a program in which students read books from their classroom, public or school library. Once they have completed a book they take a comprehension test on the computer. Based on their percentage of correct answers they will be awarded a designated number of points for each test completed. These points are then accrued throughout the year for various incentives and report card assessment. Accelerated Reader (AR) software is installed in the classrooms and computer lab allowing students to take in-class quizzes on books they have read for points. Each book has a designated reading level as well as point value.
STAR Testing
STAR Testing![]()
STAR Testing
STAR testing has begun to determine the independent reading zone for each student in grades 2 through 6. Your child’s classroom teacher will provide this information to all of their students. Only points received from tests taken within their zone are allowed for incentives purposes.
End of the Year Incentives
End of the Year Incentives![]()
End of the Year Incentives
Students earn small incentives as they reach each level. All students who reach the Gold Level earn a ticket to the AR Lunch.
Three Levels of the Dolphin Accelerated Reading Program
Three Levels of the Dolphin Accelerated Reading Program![]()
Three Levels of the Dolphin Accelerated Reading Program
Each student will have an Accelerated Reader Academy certificate posted in the multipurpose room as each level is reached. Certificates and seals are created and updated at the end of each trimester.
Three Levels of the Dolphin Accelerated Reading Program
Three Levels of the Dolphin Accelerated Reading Program![]()
Three Levels of the Dolphin Accelerated Reading Program
Grade | Bronze Level | Silver Level | Gold Level |
2nd Grade | 5 points | 15 points | 25 points |
3rd Grade | 15 points | 30 points | 40 points |
4th Grade | 20 points | 40 points | 60 points |
5th Grade | 25 points | 50 points | 70 points |
6th Grade | 30 points | 60 points | 90 points |
Trimester Grade Guidelines
Trimester Grade Guidelines![]()
Trimester Grade Guidelines
The Accelerated Reading Academy accumulated points, within each trimester, will be factored in a student’s trimester grade for reading in grades 3rd-6th only. Please see your child’s teacher for the point’s breakdown for grading purposes.
Deficiency Notes/Progress Reports/Report Cards
Deficiency Notes/Progress Reports/Report Cards![]()
Deficiency Notes/Progress Reports/Report Cards
- AR points are not accumulative from trimester to trimester for grade determination (this applies to 3-6th grade only). The points are only accumulative from month to month and trimester to trimester for determination of incentives and levels.
- Parents can keep track of their student’s progress throughout the year at
If a student is caught giving their Accelerated Reading Academy password to another student, has another student take an AR quiz for them, or takes an AR quiz for another student the following will be the consequences:
- Student will lose all of the AR points acquired for that trimester. Loss of these points will have a direct affect on their trimester grades.
- Student may lose the opportunity to attend the end of the year AR Lunch.
- Education Code guidelines will apply.
First Grade Students
First Grade Students![]()
First Grade Students
Independent reading is an important focus in first grade. Students can earn a Reading Award each trimester for successfully achieving grade level goals that include phonics and fluency supported by EGUSD Benchmarks and Common Core State Standards.
BEAR Reading Academy
BEAR Reading Academy![]()
BEAR Reading Academy
Our Kindergarten students have the opportunity to become a member of the BEAR – Be Excited About Reading – academy. To qualify for membership, students must be able to do the following
- Identify Letter Names
- Identify Letter Sounds
- Read Kindergarten Sight Words
Students will receive rewards as they reach each level. Students who complete all 3 levels and become a member of the BEAR Academy will be invited to an ice cream celebration at the end of the school year.
Improve the School-to-Home Connection
Improve the School-to-Home Connection![]()
Improve the School-to-Home Connection
With Home Connect, you can link school and home to make reading practice even more effective. By connecting to this website from your home computer students and parents can:
- See progress toward reading goals.
- Conduct book searches.
- Review quiz results.
- View the number of books read, words read, and quizzes passed.
- And much, much more.
Your child then uses his or her Renaissance Place/Accelerated Reader username and password to log in to Home Connect from home. In Home Connect you can also click on Email Setup to sign up to receive emails showing your child’s quiz. Keep in mind that this website is only to view your child’s progress in Accelerated Reader. A letter will be sent home by the classroom teacher with your child’s user name and password. If you have any questions about your child’s progress with Accelerated Reader or would like additional information on this program, please contact your child’s teacher.
We are really excited about this program and are confident this will assist us in helping our students become better readers.
Ms. Doyle